What is Kaffarah in Islam?
‘Kaffarah’ is derived from the word Kafar, which means covering, concealing, or hiding. It is atonement or penance for committing an offense or a sin. We must put our sincerest efforts to avoid divine displeasure. However, human beings are weak and susceptible to many faults.
The Quran recognizes human nature in the following verse:
“And Allah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and mankind was created weak.” (Surat An-Nisā, 4: 28)
Allah (SWT) knows the weaknesses of human nature very well. He is merciful and forgiving. The Prophet (SAW) said:
“When Allah created the creatures, He wrote in the Book, which is with Him over His Throne: ‘Verily, My Mercy prevailed over My Wrath” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
In this article, we will explore the concept of Kaffarah in Islam, its types, and how it relates to fasting during Ramadan.
What is Kaffarah?
Kaffarah is the atonement for sins that must be paid. Its form and amount depend on the gravity and nature of the digression. While the Kaffarah of minor sins is taken care of while performing regular wuzo and salah, major sins require sincere repentance (tauaba) and a much steeper Kaffarah.
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Kaffarah for breaking fast in Ramadan before proper time:
Anyone who breaks or nullifies his fast (without a valid reason) before the proper time during Ramadan must pay Kaffarah and Qada. This grievous sin must be avoided at all costs. However, if it occurs, the person must fast for 60 consecutive days or feed 60 poor people as the Kaffarah and compensate for the violation fast as the Qada. Note that the Kaffarah requires fasting for 60 consecutive days without any breaks; otherwise, it will be considered invalid and will have to be restarted. If a person doesn’t have the physical capacity for 60 consecutive fasts, they can donate an amount needed to feed 60 eligible people. The amount needed to feed each person is half a Saa’, which is 1.75 kg of wheat, or an equivalent monetary amount. Another thing to note is that if one opts to feed 60 deserving people, the chosen people should meet the eligibility requirements for Zakat.
Zakat can only be paid to the following categories of Muslims:
- The Poor (Al-Fuqara)
- The Needy (Al-Masakeen)
- Organizations or people that collect Zakat
- New Muslims or people who want to convert (Mu’allafah Quloobuhum) …
- Freeing Slaves (Riqab) …
- People in Debt (Al-Gharimeen) …
- For the Cause of Allah (Fi Sabilillah) …
- Travelers (Ibn Al-Sabeel)
Hadith that Sets Kaffarah Rules About Ramadan:
The following is the Hadith that sets the Kaffarah rules for breaking a fast before the designated time without any valid reason during Ramadan:
A man came to the Prophet (ﷺ) in the mosque and said, “I am burnt (ruined)!” The Prophet (ﷺ) asked him, “With what (what have you done)?” He said, “I have had sexual relation with my wife in the month of Ramadan (while fasting).” The Prophet (ﷺ) said to him, “Give in charity.” He said, “I have nothing.” The man sat down, and in the meantime there came a person driving a donkey carrying food to the Prophet (ﷺ) ….. (The sub-narrator, ‘Abdur Rahman added: I do not know what kind of food it was). On that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Where is the burnt person?” The man said, “Here I am.” The Prophet (ﷺ) said to him, “Take this (food) and give it in charity (to someone).” The man said, “To a poorer person than l? My family has nothing to eat.” Then the Prophet (ﷺ) said to him, “Then eat it yourselves.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 6822)
Other Kinds of Kaffarat
There can be several situations leading to the payment of Kaffarat. Some of these are as follows:
Kaffarah for breaking an oath (feeding ten poor people or fasting for three consecutive days).
Kaffarah for accidental killing (fasting for two consecutive months and paying blood money/Diya).
Kaffaraat for engaging in prohibited acts while wearing Ehraam. (Fasting for three consecutive days, slaughtering a sheep, or feeding 6 poor people).
Kaffarah for missing out on a ritual that was mandatory during Hajj (slaughtering a sheep).
Purpose of Kaffarah:
The purpose of Kaffarah in Islam is to save human beings from accumulating the burden of sins while allowing them to correct their behavior and repent. It offers a way of redemption.
Allah (SWT) tells us in the Quran:
“We have not sent down to you the Qur’an that you be distressed” (Surat Ţāhā 20:2)
For believers, this world is only a preparation for the afterlife. Kaffarah is meant to reduce our burden in the afterlife. It encourages believers to reflect on their mistakes and strive for self-improvement. By giving Kaffarah, believers can purify themselves from the eternal consequences of their actions and get closer to Allah (SWT). The concept of Kaffarah in Islam promotes accountability and discipline, which are necessary elements for spiritual growth. Kaffarah also teaches us that every misstep can be a source of opportunity for learning and transformation. As humans, we are prone to making mistakes, but we also can learn from those mistakes. Islam encourages believers to continue their faith and trust Allah’s (SWT) mercy. It also encourages believers to protect their good deeds with diligence.
Allah (SWT) tells us in the Quran:
“O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and do not invalidate your deeds. (Surat Muĥammad (47:33)”
Kaffarah for breaking fast other than Ramadan:
If a fast observed in a month other than Ramadan is intentionally broken, no Kaffarah is required. However, the individual must still make up for it by observing another fast.
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In the Quran, Allah (SWT) tells us:
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Kaffarah in Islam serves as an important way of atonement. It offers believers an opportunity to repent and rectify their mistakes. Allah (SWT) understands human nature and possesses infinite mercy. He asks believers to engage in self-reflection and strive for personal growth. We must repent regularly and eschew the path that may mislead us to grievous consequences. However, if an event like breaking a fast before the designated time occurs, one must pay the Kaffarah. Charity is one of the most encouraged deeds in Islam. The concept of Kaffarah in Islam maintains a balance between accountability and compassion, reducing the burden on the believers.
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