Zakia’s Gallbladder was removed

Zakia’s Gallbladder was removed

Zakia post image

Zakia Roshan 's Story

Zakia Roshan, a 34-year-old resident of Lahore, had been suffering from excruciating pain in the right hypochondrium for the past six years. Alongside the pain, she experienced persistent discomfort, constipation, nausea, and vomiting. These debilitating symptoms severely hampered her ability to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. Despite seeking medical attention at a hospital, the treatments she received only provided temporary relief and failed to address the root cause of her condition.

Recognising the severity of Zakia’s situation, she was referred to a general surgeon who specialised in gastrointestinal disorders. The surgeon advised an ultrasound and conducted several tests to gain a better understanding of her condition. The results revealed that Zakia was suffering from gallbladder stones. This diagnosis explained the recurring pain and the accompanying symptoms she had been enduring for years

Upon thorough evaluation, the surgeon advised her to undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy. This minimally invasive surgical procedure involves removing the gallbladder, which would eliminate the source of her discomfort and relieve her from the recurring pain and other related symptoms. Unfortunately, she could not afford the surgical expenses due to financial constraints. She reached out to Transparent Hands for financial assistance. 

She was admitted to the Lahore Care Hospital, where her operation was performed by Dr. Ahmed Fawad on 18-04-2023. She was discharged from the hospital after one day. 

The successful treatment had a profound impact on Zakia’s life. With the gallbladder removed, she experienced relief from the excruciating pain that had plagued her for years, which allowed her to regain control of her life and resume her daily activities without hindrance.

Zakia feels overwhelming gratitude towards the medical team, especially Dr. Ahmed Fawad, who skillfully performed the surgery.  She is also deeply thankful for all the donations that provide the necessary resources for medical procedures and treatments, enabling her to regain her health and lead a fulfilling life. Donate Online to help deserving patients like Zakia.


Donated: $ 152.88


Donated: $ 124.72

 Irum s

Donated: $ 7.15

Total Funds

$ 284.74

Funds Raised

$ 284.74
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 284.74 Raised

Successfully Operated

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