You gave Khuzaima the Gift of Hearing

Muhammad Khuzaima's Story
Five-year-old Khuzaima’s life was transformed forever after he was diagnosed with sensorineural hearing loss from birth. It was only when he turned one that his parents discovered his condition and immediately took him to a local hospital for evaluation. The doctor’s recommendation for Cochlear Implant Surgery came as a shock, but Khuzaima’s parents were willing to do whatever it takes to give their child a chance at a better life.
With your support, we admitted Khuzaima to Ali Medical Centre in Islamabad, where Dr. Jawwad Ahmed performed the life-changing operation on September 10th, 2022. The procedure was a success, and the internal component of the cochlear implant was implanted successfully. Khuzaima’s parents felt a glimmer of hope and gratitude as they saw their little one recovering after just a day in the hospital.
Their prayers were answered six weeks later when the external component of the cochlear implant was also fixed, allowing Khuzaima to hear for the first time in his life. The joy that filled his heart was indescribable as he discovered new sounds every day. Donate for cochlear implants to give the gift of hearing to children like Khuzaima.

Donated: $ 4,384.04

Feroz Dinah
Donated: $ 996.66

Killah B
Donated: $ 276.82

Fakhar Islam and Nusrat Fakhar
Donated: $ 269

I Aly
Donated: $ 200

Niala Saeed
Donated: $ 150.65
Ali Hassan Syed
Donated: $ 137

Hana Sarver
Donated: $ 100

Samar minallah khan
Donated: $ 88.11

Donated: $ 71.22

Donated: $ 60
Samar Minallah Khan
Donated: $ 50.08

mo aamer
Donated: $ 50

Casper Cramblette
Donated: $ 50

Gasser Rezeika
Donated: $ 20
Hira ali
Donated: $ 20
Dawood Aslam
Donated: $ 15

Haseeb Mansoor
Donated: $ 14

Donated: $ 10

Donated: $ 8
Donated: $ 5

Qirsa Rasheed
Donated: $ 0.44
Saira Imtiaz
Donated: $ 0
Donated: $ 0