Thank you for not letting his hopes and dreams die

Thank you for not letting his hopes and dreams die

Muhammad Amanullah

Muhammad Amanullah's Story

Muhammad Amanullah 8 years old boy had his colostomy made 5 months ago for perineal trauma. After his perineal wound was healed, he was advised another surgery to close his colostomy. His surgery was done in Akram Medical Complex on 14-06-19 by Dr. Naveed Haider. His temporary opening for passage of stool was closed and intestinal continuity was restored. He recovered well in four days of hospital stay and was discharged in good condition.

 Laiba butt

Donated: $ 491.03


Donated: $ 141.29

Total Funds

$ 632.32

Funds Raised

$ 632.32
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 632.32 Raised

Successfully Operated

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