Thank you for improving 1.9-year-old Samiullah’s future

Thank you for improving 1.9-year-old Samiullah’s future

Sami Ullah

Sami Ullah's Story

Samiullah, 1.9 years old, had an absent back passage. He was diagnosed with anorectal malformation. He was advised to get a posterior sagittal anorectoplasty surgery (a technique that surgically creates the child’s back passage within the sphincter muscle). His surgery was performed by Dr. Naeem Liaqat on 21-07-20 at Mariam Memorial Hospital. He remained admitted in the hospital for two days, during which he recovered well and was discharged in a stable condition. Present day, Samiullah has resumed a normal life, just like other kids his age.

 Sarad Yousaf

Donated: $ 255

 Khawaja Qasim Saeed

Donated: $ 122.90

 john doe

Donated: $ 64.52

 Safdar Iqbal

Donated: $ 63.29

 Ruhma Shahzad

Donated: $ 50

 Chancellor Sheckissa

Donated: $ 40.89


Donated: $ 12.50

 Anser Ali Khan

Donated: $ 2.41

Total Funds

$ 611.51

Funds Raised

$ 611.51
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 611.51 Raised

Successfully Operated

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