Talha’s corrective surgery has been successfully conducted

Talha’s corrective surgery has been successfully conducted

Talha Ijaz

Talha Ijaz's Story

Talha Ijaz, 5 years old, was suffering from hypospadias, resulting in genital deformity. He was advised surgery to correct the defect. His surgery was done at Akram Medical Complex, on 15-11-19, by Dr Naveed Haider. His total urethral mobilization and release of chordae was done. He remained admitted for 2 days and had good post-operative recovery. Talha was discharged in good health and with follow up advice.

 Sabena mir

Donated: $ 264.58

 Shafaq Hafeez

Donated: $ 221.19

 Maryam Nasar

Donated: $ 9


Donated: $ 0.65

Total Funds

$ 495.43

Funds Raised

$ 495.43
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 495.43 Raised

Successfully Operated

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