She has won the battle against her breast cancer, thank you for helping her

She has won the battle against her breast cancer, thank you for helping her

Mai khatoon

Mai Khatoon's Story

Mai Khatoon 43 years old lady was diagnosed with Carcinoma (type of cancer) of Left Breast. She received several sessions of chemotherapy in the last two years. Her tumor had grown into an infected wound for which she was advised mastectomy. Her Left Modified Radical Mastectomy was done with axillary clearance on 17-06-19 at Akram Medical Complex by Dr. Ahmed Fawad. She had good post-operative recovery and her wound was healed gradually. She stayed for 12 days in hospital and was discharged in stable condition.


Donated: $ 971.73

 Rauf Sheikh

Donated: $ 300

 Sarah Qureshi

Donated: $ 100

 Adnan Tabassam

Donated: $ 50

 Ch. Nadeem A. Rauf

Donated: $ 34.09

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 11.28

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 10

 Ruhma Shahzad

Donated: $ 10


Donated: $ 0.65

Total Funds

$ 1,487.75

Funds Raised

$ 1,487.75
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 1,487.75 Raised

Successfully Operated

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