Shah Nawaz Khan is on the path to healing

Shah Nawaz Khan is on the path to healing

Shah Nawaz Khan

Shah Nawaz Khan's Story

For the past 8 years, Shah Nawaz Khan, aged 50, a resident of Laki Marwat was suffering lower backache and was unable to bend at lower back. Upon evaluation by a neurosurgeon, he was diagnosed to have been suffering from L4-5 Prolapse Intervertebral disc with spinal stenosis. He was advised to undergo L4-5 Laminectomy, Discectomy and B/L Foraminotomies. For this purpose on 11.03.2021, he was admitted to Lahore Care Hospital where he underwent neurosurgery by Dr. Ibrar Ullah. He was discharged after one day. He is being taken care of at home and is hopeful of leading a pain free, healthy life.

 TK World Group

Donated: $ 784.93

 TH EmergencyFund

Donated: $ 324.12

Total Funds

$ 1,109.05

Funds Raised

$ 1,109.05
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 1,109.05 Raised

Successfully Operated

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