Your support has saved this cancer patient’s life

Lubna Bibi's Story
Lubna Bibi 35 years old lady is a diagnosed case of Medullary Carcinoma of Thyroid. She experienced body aches and bone pains a few months later than her major surgery. She was worked up and found to have metastatic disease for which chemotherapy sessions were required. Her 3 chemotherapy sessions have yet been completed in National Hospital and Medical Center under care of Dr Hassan Pervaiz. She has controlled her symptoms of body aches and is ambitious to proceed for her treatment successfully.
Donated: $ 3,341.93
Laiba Butt
Donated: $ 410.66
Sumika Farooqui
Donated: $ 120.53
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 88.06
Zigron Inc
Donated: $ 57.45
Catherine Smithweiss
Donated: $ 25
NETSOL Technologies
Donated: $ 19.10
Donated: $ 9.54