Imtiaz has started going to work without any health issue

Imtiaz has started going to work without any health issue

Muhammad Imtiaz's Story


Muhammad Imtiaz 37 years old was experiencing severe chest pain and was diagnosed as a case of Ischemic heart disease. His percutaneous intervention (PCI) was done as angioplasty was not possible. He was advised open heart surgery; coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). His surgery was done in National Hospital & Medical center on 09-12-16 by Dr Maqsood Elahi. His operation was successful and he was discharged in good health.

 Packages Foundation

Donated: $ 3,004.27


Donated: $ 2,139

 Zigron Inc

Donated: $ 133.57

Total Funds

$ 5,276.84

Funds Raised

$ 5,276.84
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 5,276.84 Raised

Successfully Operated

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