Nazia’s little angel has arrived

Nazia’s little angel has arrived

Nazia Parvin's Story

Nazia Parvin, 32 years old, was advised a lower segment Caesarean section by her gynaecologist for the birth of her fifth child since she had a history of four previous C-sections. For this purpose, she was admitted in Abid hospital and the procedure was performed by Dr. Sadaf Aqeel on 20.11.2020. Nazia gave birth to a healthy baby boy and was discharged in a stable condition after a hospital stay of two days. Nazia and her son are in perfect health now.

“We have welcomed our son safely into this world. This was only possible because the Transparent Hands team decided to help us.”- Nazia Parvin


Donated: $ 255.51

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 30

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 27.10

 Umair Naeem Baig

Donated: $ 15

Total Funds

$ 327.61

Funds Raised

$ 327.61
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 327.61 Raised

Successfully Operated

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