Muhammad Shafique’s prosthetic leg has been successfully attached

Muhammad Shafique’s prosthetic leg has been successfully attached

Muhammad Shafique

Muhammad Shafique's Story

Muhammad Shafique, aged 57, a resident of Lahore, suffers from chronic diabetes. He received a minor cut on his left foot that soon turned infected and got necrotic, leaving impact on the entire left leg. Upon examination the doctor revealed that Muhammad Shafique was suffering from diabetic foot. First, his left foot was amputated, and later he had to undergo above knee amputation of the left leg. It has been eight months since he underwent this trauma. Now, in order to perform normal day to day activities he required a prosthesis. For this purpose he was sent to Hope Rehabilitation Centre where he received his new prosthetic leg after consultation by Dr. Khalid Niazi on 15.04.2021. He is adjusting to his new leg now and is looking forward to walking independently.



Donated: $ 591.96

 Hope Rehabilitation Center

Donated: $ 70.28

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 20

Total Funds

$ 682.24

Funds Raised

$ 682.24
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 682.24 Raised

Successfully Operated

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