Muhammad Arsalan’s hip replacement was successful! Thank you for supporting him

Muhammad Arsalan’s hip replacement was successful! Thank you for supporting him


Muhammad Arsalan's Story

Muhammad Arsalan, 17 years old, had a severe car accident in which his hip bone got fractured 4 years ago. He had surgery but it didn’t go well. He had pain in his defected leg while walking. Upon check-up, his doctor diagnosed him with left femur head avascular necrosis and advised him total hip replacement surgery. His operation was performed by Dr. Zahid Saddiq in Lahore Care hospital, on 15-06-20. He stayed in the hospital for two days and was discharged in a stable condition.



Donated: $ 3,331.56

 Raheel Awan

Donated: $ 110.34


Donated: $ 100

 Syed Hussain Gardezi

Donated: $ 10

 Romaisa Malik

Donated: $ 0.32

Total Funds

$ 3,552.22

Funds Raised

$ 3,552.22
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 3,552.22 Raised

Successfully Operated

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