Jameela is Grateful for Your Support for her C-Section

Jameela is Grateful for Your Support for her C-Section

Jameela post image

Jameela Bibi's Story

Jameela, together with her husband and their two children, found themselves facing immense challenges while living in a rented home and navigating through unstable financial conditions. With her husband’s monthly income of PKR 18,000, they struggled to meet even the most basic household expenses. Their situation became even more dire when they discovered that Jameela required a necessary C-section surgery, posing risks to both her and the unborn baby’s well-being. This financial strain not only deprived them of proper nutrition and healthcare but also took a toll on Jameela’s overall health. In desperate need of assistance, Jameela reached out to Transparent Hands, an organization dedicated to providing financial help to those in need.

The response from compassionate donors proved to be Jameela’s lifeline. With their support, Jameela was admitted to Murshid Hospital, Karachi on September 11, 2023. On the same day, Dr. Samreen Zeeshan skillfully performed the necessary C-section procedure, ensuring a safe delivery for both mother and daughter.

After a few days of recovery, Jameela was joyfully discharged from the hospital on September 14, 2023. Her heart was filled with immeasurable joy as she welcomed a healthy baby girl into the world. The generosity and support of the kind donors not only secured a safe delivery for Jameela’s baby but also provided a beacon of hope and comfort during this challenging period.

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Thanks to the selfless contributions of these wonderful individuals, Jameela was able to embrace motherhood with gratitude and blessing. The financial assistance provided tangible relief, enabling her to focus on the well-being of her newborn daughter without the constant worry of mounting medical bills. The family’s burden was lightened, and they could now look forward to a brighter future.

The support she received not only ensured the safe arrival of her baby but also restored her faith in humanity. It serves as a reminder that small acts of kindness can make a world of difference and bring hope to those facing difficult circumstances.

 Sabena mir

Donated: $ 195.32

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 90

Total Funds

$ 285.32

Funds Raised

$ 285.32
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 285.32 Raised

Successfully Operated

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