Irshad Bibi is healthy and fit after her Cholecystectomy with your support

Irshad Bibi is healthy and fit after her Cholecystectomy with your support

Irshad Bibi

Irshad Bibi's Story

Irshad Bibi 51year old lady was suffering from repeated episodes of abdominal pain due to Gallstones. She was advised cholecystectomy for this condition. Her surgery was done on 19-07-17 in Akram Medical Complex by Dr. Ahmed Fawad. She remained admitted for 3 days and had a good post-operative recovery. She was discharged in satisfactory condition.


Donated: $ 474.56

 TH EmergencyFund

Donated: $ 103.18

 North Hill Wireless

Donated: $ 60

 Rahat hameed

Donated: $ 4.77

Total Funds

$ 642.52

Funds Raised

$ 642.52
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 642.52 Raised

Successfully Operated

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