His heart surgery was a huge success and he is now recovering at home
Amjad Siddique's Story
Amjad Siddique 51 years old man experienced sudden episodes of chest pain twice in last year which were treated as a heart attack. He was diagnosed as a case of Ischemic heart disease (Triple Vessel) and was advised to open heart By-pass surgery. His operation was done in the National Hospital on 28-08-18 by Dr. Ahmed Shehbaz. He was found to have triple vessel disease for which grafts were applied. He stayed for 5 days in the hospital and had a good post-operative recovery. He was discharged in good health and advised for follow-ups.
Packages Foundation
Donated: $ 2,586.70
Qasim Mueen
Donated: $ 520.92
Kashif Mueen
Donated: $ 469.51
Khalid Malik
Donated: $ 300
Pardeep Kumar
Donated: $ 79.98
Hamza Khalid
Donated: $ 73.17
Adnan Tabassam
Donated: $ 50.54
Fi Sabeelillah Trust
Donated: $ 40.65
Erum Arif
Donated: $ 40.64
Numan Shaikh
Donated: $ 24.33
Daraz pk
Donated: $ 13.99
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 2.19