Bushra has fought anemia and is now looking forward to her delivery. Thank you for supporting her.

Bushra has fought anemia and is now looking forward to her delivery. Thank you for supporting her.

Bushra Firyad

Bushra Firyad's Story

After many abortions in the last 8 years, Bushra Faryad, 28 years old, got pregnant. She had concurrent anemia and deep venous thrombosis. She was treated medically to investigate the cause of previous abortions and was given anti-coagulation and iron therapy to prepare her for childbirth. She was treated by Dr. Talha Bin Ayub (Physician) and Prof Dr. Rakhshanda (Gynaecologist). Her treatment started on 17-05-19 and ended on 08-10-19. She tolerated the treatment well and is now healthy enough to proceed to childbirth.

 Mohammad Neazul Haque

Donated: $ 324.68

 Laiba butt

Donated: $ 200


Donated: $ 163


Donated: $ 125.27

 Rauf Sheikh

Donated: $ 100


Donated: $ 100

 Umair Naeem Baig

Donated: $ 100

 Muhammad Ali Khan

Donated: $ 84.31

 Omer Aziz

Donated: $ 50

 Nayyer Nadir

Donated: $ 33.23

 Adnan Shah

Donated: $ 20

 Junaid Khalid

Donated: $ 14.87


Donated: $ 6.49


Donated: $ 0.08

Total Funds

$ 1,321.93

Funds Raised

$ 1,321.93
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 1,321.93 Raised

Successfully Operated

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