Amina had her colostomy
Amina Shehzadi's Story
Amina Shehzadi, aged 13 years, suffered from a discharge of fecal matter through her genital tract since birth. On medical consultation, she was diagnosed with recto-vestibular fistula which is a kind of anorectal malformation. The doctor advised a colostomy before surgical correction of this defect.
For this reason, Amina was admitted to Akram Medical Complex and her colostomy was performed by Dr. M. Bilal Mirza on 28.04.2021. A stoma was made on her abdominal wall. She stayed in the hospital for two days and was discharged in a stable condition. Amina’s health has improved significantly since the surgery.
Sadiq Nawaz
Donated: $ 529.46
Rashid Ali
Donated: $ 0.01