A Cystoscopy and TURP have made his bladder work effectively again

A Cystoscopy and TURP have made his bladder work effectively again


Muhammad Miraj's Story

Muhammad Miraj 65 years old was suffering from urinary tract obstruction and discharge from previously operated wound site. He was diagnosed with enlarged Prostate, vesical stones and urinary fistula. He was advised to undergo surgery to get relief from his symptoms. He was operated by Dr. Athar Mehmoood on 28-09-16 in Zainab Memorial Hospital. His open vesicolithotomy + prostatectomy was done and stones were removed. He stayed for 4 days in hospital and was discharged with improved health.

 National Bank of Pakistan

Donated: $ 763.87


Donated: $ 10

Total Funds

$ 773.87

Funds Raised

$ 773.87
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 773.87 Raised

Successfully Operated

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