Urgent tonsillectomy required for Kainat

Urgent tonsillectomy required for Kainat

100% Complete (success)
$ 470.06 Required
$ 470.06 Raised
0 Remaining

Kainat Ramzan's Story

Like any other child, I grew up dreaming of becoming a well-educated kid, who could go to school and make friends. I was born in a lower middle class family, so I never dreamt of having a luxurious lifestyle. Since childhood I used to develop on and off severe fever due to severe sore throat. I always felt difficulty in swallowing anything.

Upon checkup, it was diagnosed that I had chronic tonsillitis with foci of pus. There was no way my parents could afford the surgical treatment for it. I was given a medicine for temporary relief and advised surgery. By the time I was 14, the symptoms of tonsillitis got more frequent and surgery had become inevitable.

My condition is becoming worse by each passing day. I’m experiencing extremely painful swallowing and infection of the throat has increased to greater extent. If I’m unable to get it operated on time, I will have to suffer more even in my later life as the doctors have told me that it could lead to ear infection.

It’s my humble request to help me in pursuing surgical treatment for my tonsillitis as it could save me from further complications.  

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 470.06

Kainat Ramzan's Story

Kainat Ramzan 14 years old girl had repeated attacks of sore throat because of chronic tonsillitis for last one year. She was advised tonsillectomy. Her surgery was done in Zainab Memorial Hospital on 01-07-16 by Dr Khursheed Anwar Mian. Her chronically inflammed tonsills were removed. She stayed for 2 days in hospital post operatively and had rapid recovery. She was discharged in good health.

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