Support Sahrish Aslam’s C-Section

Support Sahrish Aslam’s C-Section

Sahrish pre image
9.1080874324086% Complete (success)
$ 553.46 Required
$ 50.36 Raised
$ 503.10 Remaining

Sahrish Aslam's Story

Sahrish Aslam, a 34-year-old resident of Multan, is preparing for the birth of her fourth child. With two previous C-sections and one miscarriage, she is acutely aware of the importance of a safe delivery. She recently visited hospital in her 30th week of pregnancy, and the doctor once again advised her for C-Section procedure. Yet, financial hurdles cast a shadow over her anticipation.

Sahrish Aslam lives in a small two-room house in Multan with her husband and two sons. As a housewife, she depends entirely on her husband’s income, a monthly wage of PKR 20,000, which barely covers their daily needs, utility bills of PKR 2,500, and school fees of another PKR 2,000. Overwhelmed by the cost, which her husband cannot afford, Sahrish reached out to Transparent Hands for financial assistance.

She appeals to the generous donors with genuine urgency and a mother’s hope:

“I humbly request your support to help me safely welcome my child into the world. Your kindness can ease my journey into motherhood with peace and joy.”

Her situation underscores the struggles many women face in accessing necessary healthcare amidst financial constraints. We have taken up her cause, rallying community support to fund her C-section. This collective effort aims to ensure that Sahrish Aslam can undergo her surgery without the burden of finances, allowing her to focus on the joy of her new baby.

By contributing to Sahrish’s healthcare fund, we can help alleviate her financial stress and support her right to a safe childbirth. Let’s come together to offer Sahrish, a devoted mother and wife, the medical care she needs to ensure a healthy delivery. With our help, Sahrish can look forward to a future filled with happiness and health for her growing family. Let’s make a tangible difference in the life of Sahrish and affirm our commitment to supporting mothers in need.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 50

 Rana Ali

Donated: $ 0.36

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