Support Arisha Fatima’s Open-Heart Surgery

Support Arisha Fatima’s Open-Heart Surgery

Zakat Eligible
100% Complete (success)
$ 3,264.03 Required
$ 3,264.03 Raised
0 Remaining

Arisha Fatima's Story

Arisha Fatima, a 4-year-old girl from Gujar Khan, is in urgent need of your support. She has been suffering from shortness of breath, chest pain, and an inability to gain weight. Her parents became aware of her condition when she was just one year old.

After undergoing diagnostic tests, the doctor diagnosed Arisha with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), a congenital heart defect that requires immediate open-heart surgery for total correction. The cardiac surgeon has advised Arisha to undergo this life-saving procedure as soon as possible.

Arisha’s family situation is dire. She lives with her mother, who is a divorcee, in a single-room house at a relative’s place in Gujar Khan. They have no savings, and Arisha’s mother is completely dependent on her relatives, with no other source of income. This financial burden makes it impossible for them to cover the cost of the surgery Arisha desperately needs.

The mere thought of losing their only child is utterly unbearable for Arisha’s mother. She said it in a depressed tone:

“I humbly implore you to consider making a generous contribution that can help us bring her life back to normal. With your support, we can allow her to thrive, grow, and embrace a life filled with health and happiness.”

Her mother reached out to Transparent Hands for assistance arranging the necessary funds for her beloved daughter’s surgery. Please consider donating to support Arisha Fatima’s total correction surgery. Your generosity can make a profound difference in her life and allow her to live a full and vibrant life. With your contribution, no matter how small, you can bring hope and healing to this innocent little child and give her a chance to live her life, pursue her dreams, and support her mother. Together, we can provide Arisha with the care she needs and the chance to overcome this challenging health condition.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 1,386.68

 Ahmed Sheraz

Donated: $ 1,158.92

 Nafees Batool

Donated: $ 491.47

 HEYAM ali

Donated: $ 49.99

 Ali Teymur Agha

Donated: $ 36.14

 M N Akhtar

Donated: $ 31.75

 Gaurav Sharma

Donated: $ 25.65

 Kashif Khan

Donated: $ 25

 Fatima Waqar

Donated: $ 20

 Verdina Chaudhry

Donated: $ 13.85

 S mahomed

Donated: $ 12.78


Donated: $ 10


Donated: $ 1.81

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