Shakeel’s Submucosal Resection Surgery
Shakeel Ahmed Lakho's Story
Before you go on to read the details of Shakeel Ahmed’s case, please know that your donations can cure him and make his life easy. Hence, we would request you to please donate as much as you can for Shakeel’s Submucosal Resection Surgery.
Thirty years old Shakeel Ahmed Lakho, a resident of Dadu, Sindh has been bearing with breathing difficulties since the last twelve years. He has been taking symptomatic treatment but it didn’t help him much. He went for consultation, and the doctors had told him that he suffers from DNS (Deviated nasal septum) is defined as the deviation of nasal septum of the nasal cavity. After the diagnosis, the doctors advised Shakeel to undergo a submucosal resection (SMR) surgery. Submucosal Resection (SMR) of the nose is a surgical procedure used to treat a deviated septum. A submucosal resection of the nose may also be done if you are having nasal sinus surgery and your deviated septum is making it difficult for your doctor to access other parts of your nose or sinuses.
Shakeel Ahmed works as a daily wager. He has three kids to educate and raise and his income is too low to afford the hefty cost of this surgery. In these desperate times, and with no financial support, Shakeel is helpless. He shared his misery with us in the following words:
“I am the only one to financially support my family. If I am sick and unable to work, my kids will starve. Transparent Hands is my last hope. Please help me.”
Luckily for Shakeel, he has been registered with Transparent Hands and we are determined to get him cured. None of this can happen without your donations and support. Therefore, we request you to please donate for Shakeel’s Submucosal Resection Surgery as much as you can. Please be generous with the donations.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Shakeel Ahmed Lakho's Story
Shakeel Ahmed Lakho, a 53-year-old man, had been suffering from chronic nasal obstruction that adversely affected his day-to-day life. Upon medical consultation, he was diagnosed with Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) and was advised surgery for its correction. For this purpose, Shakeel was admitted to ISRA Hospital and his submucosal resection (SMR) surgery was performed by Dr. Amrat Kumar on 04.12.2021. He stayed in the hospital for two days and was discharged in satisfactory condition. Keep Donating Us!