Safeer awaits Screw Removal
Safeer Ahmad's Story
Safeer awaits Screw Removal. Before you go on to read the painful details of Safeer Ahmed’s story, please know that your contributions are going to help him get better and it will bring his life back on track. He will be able to get back on his feet and will continue to support his family. Therefore, we would request you to please donate for Safeer Ahmed’s Screw Removal surgery.
Forty-one years old, Safeer Ahmed, a resident of Karachi, has been through an unimaginable tragedy three months ago. He was driving an auto rickshaw when a truck hit him from the front. This incident left his left arm and leg fractured. He was immediately rushed to a public hospital where he was refused the treatment due to unavailability of beds. He then went to a private hospital for treatment. The Orthopaedic surgeon performed an Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF) surgery on his left femur bone and a screw was placed in his femur bone. ORIF is the procedure that is meant to repair compound bone fractures or severe breaks. “Open reduction” implies that the broken bone is being realigned using surgery (as opposed to a closed reduction performed without surgery). “Internal fixation” refers to the hardware used to ensure that the bone is stabilized and held in place so that it is able to heal.
Safeer had to sell his only mean of earning and get financial assistance from some of his kind relatives to pay the hospital bills for this procedure. Now that Safeer needs to get the screw removed from his left femur bone, due to his financial condition, he is unable to afford the cost of this procedure. Safeer told Transparent Hands in a distressed manner:
“My life has been turned upside down since this accident. I was well enough to raise my kids and fulfil their basic needs with my source of income but now with no source of income and no financial assistance, I have been waiting for a miracle to happen so I can start working again so that I don’t have to see my kids starve. Please help me.”
Safeer lives in a rented house with his wife and their three children. He found out about Transparent Hands through an advertisement and he immediately contacted us.
Now that Safeer has been connected with Transparent Hands, we are more than willing to help him. But , it will not be possible without your assistance. As Safeer awaits Screw Removal, therefore, we urge you to please contribute and donate generously for Safeer Ahmed’s Screw removal surgery.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Mohammed Syed
Donated: $ 50
tariq qureshi
Donated: $ 50
Gasser Rezeika
Donated: $ 45.74
Hira ali
Donated: $ 25
Hena M. R
Donated: $ 25
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 14.04
Haseeb Mansoor
Donated: $ 12
Donated: $ 8
Zonaib Shahid Latif
Donated: $ 6
N Nawaz
Donated: $ 6
Ciprian-Mugurel Nechita
Donated: $ 5
Donated: $ 5
Qirsa Rasheed
Donated: $ 1
Safeer Ahmad's Story
Forty-two years old Safeer Ahmed from Karachi went through an accident where he was rushed to hospital and the doctors had to perform an Open Reduction and Internal Fixation(ORIF) surgery where a screw was placed in his left femur bone. Safeer came to us in hopes of assistance for his screw removal surgery. For this purpose, he was admitted to United Hospital, Karachi, on 19-07-21. His surgery was performed by Dr. Noman Memon. The operation was a success and Safeer was discharged the following day after being seen progressing well. Safeer is now healthy and back on his feet