Parveen Bibi Awaits Eye Surgery

Parveen Bibi Awaits Eye Surgery

Parveen bibi pre image
29.162387108199% Complete (success)
$ 101.99 Required
$ 29.75 Raised
$ 72.24 Remaining

Parveen Bibi's Story

Parveen Bibi, a 52-year-old woman from Lahore, finds herself trapped in a world of blurry vision. The cataract in her left eye is making it difficult for her to carry out her daily activities. She has been facing this eye problem for the past few years. After the medical consultation, her doctor recommended a specialized treatment called left Phaco and intraocular lens (IOL) surgery. This surgery will restore her eyesight and improve her quality of life.

The condition is causing her serious short-sightedness. In addition, this eye condition is the biggest source of discomfort and inconvenience in her life. Her doctor has prescribed eye surgery, but she cannot afford to pay for it.

Parveen lives in a small rented house in Lahore. Her husband is 60 years old and unable to work. Her son is a daily wager and earns approximately PKR 32,000 monthly. The rent of her house, where she lives with 7 family members, is PKR 8000. Their income is barely enough to cover household expenses and utility bills. Eventually, it leaves no room for the surgical costs required to address Parveen’s eye condition.

Parveen expressed her emotions with a heavy heart:

“The cataract has increased the miseries in my life and drained all joy from it. I look forward to the day when I will be able to see clearly. Your compassionate contribution can restore my eyesight and give me a renewed sense of pleasure and hope”

In this critical time, Parveen has contacted Transparent Hands to register her case. We need your support in transforming the life of Parveen Bibi and giving her the gift of a clear vision. She needs your help before her vision deteriorates further.

Your contribution will surely bring a smile to Parveen’s face!

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 20


Donated: $ 9.03

 Qirsa Rasheed

Donated: $ 0.72

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