Mukarram Ali needs Anoplasty
Mukarram Ali's Story
Please Donate to this cause because Mukarram Ali needs Anoplasty. Before you proceed on to read the details of Mukarram’s story. Please know that you may assist Mukarram before you read the intricacies of his life. Your contributions can assist him in regaining his health. As a result, we ask that you donate as much as you can to his Anoplasty surgery.
Three years old boy, Mukarram, from Sheikhupura has been suffering from Stoma since birth. He was born with no rectum and was once operated for this purpose in a public hospital. But, the surgery was not a success. He was given an appointment for a second surgery but due to continuous delay and the pain the kid was in, his parents wanted to get his procedure done as soon as possible. Mukarram was previously diagnosed Imperforate rectum and had a procedure done but it was not successful. Now he needs a second Anoplasty.
Mukarram’s father is a laborer and earns 20000 PKR month, and cannot afford his son’s surgery. His father shared his ordeal with us in the following manner:
“We were overjoyed when he was born but our happiness soon turned into a despair after we found out about his condition .I was not only worried about his condition but the reason for my distress was , how will I afford his treatment .It hurts me everyday to see my child is suffering and the fact that I cannot do anything for him. I feel helpless. I am a laborer and my income is hardly enough to feed them and meet everyday basics.”
A friend of Mukarram’s father told them about Transparent hands. They contacted us and we have registered their case. We are determined to give Mukarram’s childhood back to him and that is only possible with your donations. We urge you to help a bright young boy and donate as much as you can because Mukarram Ali needs Anoplasty.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Slayde Dappen
Donated: $ 624.73
Mukarram Ali's Story
Mukaram Ali, a three-year-old resident of Sheikhupura, was suffering from congenital Anorectal Malformation. He underwent a surgery to get his colostomy stoma created but for some reason could not secure a date for his second surgery, which needed to be performed to make his back passage. Anal Transportation is a crucial part of the next surgery. Hence, his parents came to Transparent Hands for assistance. We sent Mukaram to Lahore Care Hospital to get his surgery done by Dr Bilal on 29-10-2021. His surgery was successful. Mukarram has now healed.