Muhammad Waqar awaits Heniotomy
Muhammad Waqar's Story
Muhammad Waqar awaits Heniotomy. Before you go on to read the details of Raja Muhammad Waqar’s story, Please know that your donations will help him relieve him of his pain. Therefore we would humbly request you to please donate for Muhammad Waqar’s Inguinal Hernia and help him live a healthy life.
Forty years old Raja Muhamamd Waqar, a resident of Rawalpindi, has been enduring severe pain and swelling on the right side of his Inguinal region for the past 1 month. He went for a consultation. After going through some tests and an ultrasound scan, the doctor diagnosed Muhammad Waqar with right Inguinal Hernia. The doctor has advised him to undergo a Mesh repair. A mesh repair is a surgical technique for treating hernia. In this procedure a specialized prosthetic material is placed at the surgical site. This mesh provides support at the surgical site both to fix the issue and to prevent the recurrence of the problem.
Muhammad Waqar works as a security guard at a public school. He lives in a rented house with his wife and four school going children. Muhammad Waqar is the sole earner of the family and has no financial support from any friends or relatives. He merely earns enough to put the food on the table. Muhammad Waqar shared his distress to Transparent Hands in the following words:
“ I have been in immense pain all this time and I haven’t been able to work like I used to. I am worried thinking that incase I become bed bound due to this pain, who will look after my family and how will my wife and kids manage? After being connected to Transparent Hands, I see a tiny ray of hope. I am hopeful that I will be cured.”
Luckily Muhammad Waqar has now been connected with Transparent Hands. His case is verified and registered. We are determined to get him cured and relieve him of his pain. But, it will not be possible without your contribution. Muhammad Waqar awaits Heniotomy, hence, we request you to please donate for Muhammad Waqar’s Inguina Hernia repair.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 488.18
Donated: $ 2
Muhammad Waqar's Story
Raja Muhammad Waqar, a 40-year-old resident of Rawalpindi, observed a bulge on the right side of his inguinal region. It caused a lot of pain to him while bending over or lifting heavy objects. He decided to get himself checked by a doctor. After complete medical evaluation, his reports showed that he had inguinal hernia on the right side. The doctor advised mesh repair surgery for its correction. For this purpose, Waqar was admitted to Maryam Memorial Hospital and the surgery was performed by Dr. Muhammad Umar Bashir on 15.11.2021. He stayed in the hospital for one day and was discharged in a stable condition. Raja Muhammad Waqar feels that the surgery has helped him a great deal since he can perform strenuous tasks without any discomfort now.