Muhammad Atif’s Orchidopexy is Required
Muhammad Atif's Story
Muhammad Atif, aged 6 years, a resident of Lahore suffers from right undescended testis since birth. For the past two years he has been feeling uncomfortable due to this abnormality. Undescended testis is a congenital defect that occurs during the fetal development. In the final months of development, the testicles form in the abdomen and gradually descend into the scrotum. If the said descent is not complete at birth, the testicle usually descends within a few months. Failure of this descent is termed as undescended testis. The siad medical condition can be corrected by Orchidopexy. Orchidopexy is a procedure in which a surgeon fixes an undescended testicle inside the scrotum through surgical invasion. Therefore, for the correction of this defect, Muhammad Atif’s Orchidopexy is required. Unfortunately the said procedure is financially out of their reach. Muhammad Atif’s father shares his grief in the following words.
“I am a labourer and I earn around PKR. 20,000 per month. On top of that I have to provide for a family of five members. My son’s medical condition since birth has created much worry for us. For the past two years we have been circling back and forth to different hospitals. We always got a delayed date for surgery. We even went to the private hospital, where we were getting an early appointment but the procedure was out of our financial reach. I have been feeling lost and distressed ever since. Now after connecting with Transparent Hands, I have some hope for my Atif.”
Luckily, now that Muhammad Atif and his family have been connected with Transparent Hands, you can make this procedure possible. Generously, donate for Muhammad Atif’s Orchidopexy. He needs your support to lead a normal life.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Muhammad Atif's Story
Muhammad Atif’s Orchidopexy succesfully doneSix years old Muhammad Atif has had been suffering from congenital genital organ abnormality. Two years ago, upon consultation, the doctor diagnosed Muhammad Atif with Right undescended testis. After the diagnosis, Atif’s parents were advised to get his Right Orchidopexy done. For this procedure, Muhammad Atif was sent to Lahore Care Hospital. His surgery was successfully done by Dr. Sajjid Nayyar on 23-09-2021. Muhammad Atif was discharged the following day in a satisfactory state. Because of your help, Muhammad Atif has now been cured and looks forward a healthy and bright future.