Mailaka Awaits Safe C-Section

Mailaka Awaits Safe C-Section

Zakat Eligible Malaika pre image
99.998780844631% Complete (success)
$ 296.44 Required
$ 296.44 Raised
$ 0 Remaining

Malaika Bibi's Story

Mailaka, a 21-year-old resident of Karachi, is eagerly awaiting the arrival of her third child. However, her journey to motherhood has been marked by challenges. Mailaka’s previous two deliveries were via C-section, and her gynecologist has now scheduled an elective cesarean for her current pregnancy.

Mailaka’s husband, a laborer, earns a monthly income of PKR 32,000. Despite their own home, the family’s financial situation is strained as they struggle to cover their basic needs. With three children, utility bills amounting to PKR 5,000, school fees of PKR 2,000, and an outstanding loan of PKR 50,000, the family’s resources are stretched thin.

In a heartfelt plea, Mailaka shares her concerns: “My heart is filled with a mixture of joy and worry. I long to hold my newborn in my arms, but the financial burden weighs heavily on my mind. With my previous C-sections, I know the importance of a safe delivery, yet I worry that the medical expenses may be beyond our means. Your support could make all the difference, not just for me, but for the future of my family.” Mailaka’s husband, the sole breadwinner, is unable to shoulder the surgical expenses on his own.

The family’s limited resources have left them feeling anxious and uncertain about the impending delivery. Your generous contributions can alleviate the financial burden and ensure that Mailaka receives the care she needs during this critical time. No amount is too small, and every donation will directly contribute to covering the medical expenses associated with her C-section delivery.

By supporting Mailaka, you can play a vital role in ensuring a safe and joyful journey into motherhood. Let us come together and make a difference in the lives of this young family, allowing them to welcome their new child into a world filled with love and care.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Ayesha Arrine

Donated: $ 246.44


Donated: $ 50

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