Let’s Relieve Rakhan Bibi’s Abdominal Pain

Let’s Relieve Rakhan Bibi’s Abdominal Pain

Zakat Eligible
12.648181818182% Complete (success)
$ 395.33 Required
$ 50 Raised
$ 345.33 Remaining

Rakhan Bibi's Story

Rakhan Bibi, a 52-year-old woman from Karachi, has been suffering from pain in her upper right abdominal region for the past three years. She is unable to digest fatty meals due to this condition. She also experiences repeated bouts of nausea and vomiting. Recently, she visited a doctor at a local hospital. After performing an ultrasound scan and some lab tests, the doctor diagnosed Rakhan Bibi with Cholelithiasis. It is characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder. Her doctor has advised laparoscopic cholecystectomy to alleviate her suffering. However, the cost of the surgery is out of her financial reach.

If left untreated, Rakhan Bibi’s condition will continue to deteriorate over time. It may lead to severe complications like gallbladder infection, bile duct obstruction, or even organ damage.

Rakhan Bibi lives in a modest home with her husband and two children. Her husband, the sole breadwinner in the family, works as a rickshaw driver and brings in just PKR 25,000 per month. This income is insufficient to cover their utility bills, food as well as other living expenses. The family’s financial situation is stretched thin. After paying for their basic necessities, they are barely left with anything to save. The cost of Rakhan Bibi’s life-changing surgery is simply out of reach for them. During this challenging time, they have turned to Transparent Hands for help.

Rakhan Bibi said with teary eyes:

“I have been bearing this pain for a long time. Now I just want to get rid of this illness. No matter how hard my husband tries, his income hardly covers our basic needs. I humbly ask you to please support my surgery and enable me to live without pain.”

Each passing day without surgery brings her closer to severe complications. She wishes to be an active member of her family, cooking and caring for them.

Rakhan Bibi’s recovery depends on your generosity. Only you can make it possible for her to undergo the surgery and have a pain-free life. Let’s join hands and be a light in Rakhan Bibi’s darkest hours.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Faraz Hamayoun

Donated: $ 50

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