Let’s Change Hammad’s Life with Cochlear Implant Surgery

Let’s Change Hammad’s Life with Cochlear Implant Surgery

Hammad’s Life with Cochlear Implant Surgery
19.00% Complete (success)
$ 10,029.65 Required
$ 1,917.19 Raised
$ 8,112.46 Remaining

Hammad Hussain's Story

Hammad Hussain, a 9-year-old boy from Muzaffargarh, has been unable to hear since birth. Upon noticing his unresponsiveness to sounds, his parents took him to a local hospital and consulted a doctor. After running some tests, the doctor diagnosed him with congenital Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL) and advised cochlear implant surgery. In 2018, Hammad received a cochlear implant on his right side. For the first time, he heard the voices of his loved ones nd he developed his capability to speak. However, this change didn’t last long. Recently, the implant that brought sounds into Hammad’s life stopped functioning. To ensure his ability to hear, his doctor has now recommended cochlear implant surgery on his left side. However, the cost of the surgery is overwhelming for Hammad’s family.

Without this surgery, Hammad risks losing the progress he has made in his speech and development, and his future may be at stake. The sooner he receives the cochlear implant, the better his chances of speech and language development which are important at his age.

Hammad lives in a small house with his family of seven members. His father, the sole breadwinner in the family, is a police constable. He works hard to provide for his family, but his modest monthly income just covers their basic needs. Due to their financial constraints, affording to pay for Hammad’s much-needed surgery is impossible for them. During this time of need, Hammad’s parents contacted Transparent Hands and asked for assistance.

Hammad’s family said in despair:

“We saw our son’s world light up when he heard for the first time after his surgery. It breaks our hearts to see him return to silence. We just want him to have a chance to grow and dream like other children. Please help him with undergoing the surgery.”

Your generous contributions can give Hammad the gift of hearing once again. By supporting his cochlear implant surgery, you will help him reclaim his ability to hear, communicate, and thrive.

Join hands with us to ensure that Hammad can have a fulfilling life. Your kindness can change his life.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Packages Foundation

Donated: $ 1,812.19

 Nouman Ali

Donated: $ 85


Donated: $ 20

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