Let’s Bring Sounds Into Alisha’s Life

Let’s Bring Sounds Into Alisha’s Life

Zakat Eligible Alisha pre image
1.3979540520153% Complete (success)
£ 8,196.87 Required
£ 114.59 Raised
£ 8,082.28 Remaining

Alisha Bibi's Story

Alisha, an innocent 4-year-old girl from Jacobabad, has been living in a silent world since birth. Alisha is unable to experience the joy of hearing her loved ones’ voices. Alisha’s parents recognized her unresponsiveness to sounds when she couldn’t react to loud noises as a baby. They took her to a nearby hospital and received a medical consultation. The doctor conducted some medical tests and diagnosed Alisha with congenital sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). It became clear that she couldn’t hear at all. To give Alisha a chance to hear and speak, the doctor advised cochlear implant surgery—a procedure that would transform her life. However, the significant cost of the surgery is overwhelming for Alisha’s family.

If Alisha doesn’t undergo the surgery on time, she might not be able to develop the ability to hear and speak. The earlier Alisha receives the implant, the better her chances of developing the language skills that are so important at her age. Her parents are heartbroken, knowing that without the ability to hear, Alisha would face enormous challenges in learning to communicate and engage with the world around her.

Alisha lives in a modest two-room brick house with her six family members. Her father is a shopkeeper and earns just PKR 20,000 monthly. His family relies upon him for their living expenses. Due to their financial hardships, they can’t afford to pay for Alisha’s surgery. During this challenging time, Alisha’s family reached out to Transparent Hands and asked us for help.

Alisha’s parents described their emotions as follows:

“We dream of the day she can hear us but we know that without this surgery, that day may never come. We feel helpless as we don’t have enough money to pay for our daughter’s surgery. We want your help in this time of need.”

Early intervention is critical for Alisha to lead a fulfilling life. With the cochlear implant surgery, Alisha will have the opportunity to learn to speak and live a life full of sounds and possibilities. Let’s make a meaningful impact on Alisha’s life. Every contribution, big or small, will make a difference.

Support her to provide her with a life filled with sounds and joy.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: £ 114.59

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