Illuminate Ghulam Abbas’s World

Illuminate Ghulam Abbas’s World

Zakat Eligible Ghulam abbas pre image
16.823091907207% Complete (success)
$ 102 Required
$ 17.18 Raised
$ 84.82 Remaining

Ghulam Abbas's Story

Ghulam Abbas, a 62-year-old from Dera Ghazi Khan, is unable to see the world clearly like us. He is experiencing symptoms of clouded and dimmed vision. Upon consultation with an eye surgeon, he was diagnosed with a Cataract in his right eye. The doctor recommended Phaco + IOL surgery for his right eye.

Ghulam Abbas was once a pillar of strength for his family, but now he faces a drastic challenge. The cost of his life-changing surgery is overwhelming for him, as he is unable to work. His cataract casts a shadow over his life and hinders his ability to perform even minor tasks. His son is a daily wage earner and makes just PKR 20,000 monthly. Living in a 2-marla rented house, they struggle to make ends meet. His son works tirelessly to cover the monthly utility bills amounting to PKR 7000. In addition, their monthly rent is PKR 8000.

Ghulam Abbas often thinks about the time when he could see the world without struggling. His family is heartbroken to see him in this unfortunate situation. After struggling for a long time, Ghulam Abbas and his family contacted Transparent Hands.

Ghulam Abbas, overwhelmed with grief, expressed his desperation as follows:

“I want to see the world clearly like I used to, but I can’t afford the treatment due to financial constraints. I humbly request all donors to help me with this surgery. I will forever be grateful.”

Transparent Hands aims to help Ghulam Abbas in this time of need. We appeal to our kind-hearted donors to help him regain his vision. Your generous contributions can transform his life and enable him to embark on a life free from the struggles of vision impairment. Every penny counts and enables us to transform his life. Donate now!

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Muhammad Ahsan Hasan

Donated: $ 17.18

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