Help Zaroon Azeem Hear His Loved Ones’ Voices

Help Zaroon Azeem Hear His Loved Ones’ Voices

Zakat Eligible Zaroon pre image
15.654834488297% Complete (success)
$ 10,655.31 Required
$ 1,677.27 Raised
$ 8,978.04 Remaining

Zaroon Azeem's Story

Meet Zaroon Azeem, a 4-year-old brave boy from Hafizabad, who suffers from congenital deafness. Zaroon has never known the world of laughter and voices. Upon noticing his unresponsiveness to sounds, his parents took him to a nearby hospital and received a medical consultation. The doctor conducted some medical tests and diagnosed Zaroon with congenital sensorineural hearing loss. Zaroon’s parents have tried everything to help him, but without the ability to hear, his development has been severely limited. To unlock the world of sounds, the doctor recommended cochlear implant surgery for Zaroon. Unfortunately, the cost of the surgery is beyond his family’s financial reach.

The sooner he receives the cochlear implant, the better his chances of speech and language development which are important at his age. If he doesn’t undergo the surgery on time, he might not be able to develop the ability to hear and speak. Despite his hearing impairment, Zaroon is a lively child, always eager to explore and play. Yet, his inability to hear has created significant challenges and he often feels isolated.

Zaroon lives in a two-room rented house with his five family members. His father works long hours as a daily wager and earns just PKR 28000 monthly. With house rent of PKR 7000, utility bills of PKR 3000, and a loan of PKR 50,000, they have no room left for savings to pay for the surgery. During this challenging time, Zaroon’s family turned to Transparent Hands and asked us for help.

Zaroon’s parents described their heartfelt plight as follows:

“We want Zaroon to have a future where he can hear, speak, and laugh like other children. Our household income covers our basic needs only. Kindly help our son in undergoing the surgery.”

We are requesting your support to give Zaroon the chance to hear for the first time. Your contributions can make a life-changing difference for him, opening up a world of possibilities for his future.

Please donate today and help Zaroon experience the joy of sounds, laughter, and life itself.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 906.29

 Mahmudul Khan

Donated: $ 300

 Mohammad Khan

Donated: $ 200

 HEYAM ali

Donated: $ 150

 Waseem Ahmed

Donated: $ 79.24

 Muhammad Tausif

Donated: $ 21.56

 Kinza Rizvi

Donated: $ 20


Donated: $ 0.18

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