Help Mehtab Welcome Her Twin Babies Safely

Help Mehtab Welcome Her Twin Babies Safely

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$ 318.01 Required
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$ 318.01 Remaining

Mehtab Sajjad 's Story

Mehtab Sajjad Ali, a 36-year-old woman from Hyderabad, is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her two precious babies. She is 31 weeks pregnant and on a recent follow-up visit, her doctor told her that Mehtab is expecting twins. Unlike her previous eight deliveries, which were all natural, her doctor has informed her that a C-section is necessary this time. Mehtab’s heart is filled with joy of welcoming two new lives. At the same time, she is extremely worried about the cost of the C-section.

Without a C-section, Mehtab and her unborn twins may face serious risks. Vaginal delivery can lead to complications such as preterm labor, fetal distress, and excessive bleeding. C-section is necessary to save both the mother and the babies.

Metab’s husband is a laborer, earning just PKR 20,000 per month. With this small income, he supports not only his wife and eight children but also his mother and siblings. Every day is a battle to provide food, clothing, and shelter for his large family. The cost of Mehtab’s C-section is far beyond his means. He is a dedicated husband and father and he is willing to do anything to ensure his wife and children are safe. However, no matter how hard he works, he simply cannot afford the cost of the surgery.

With tears in her eyes, Mehtab said:

“I am happy that I will soon hold my babies in my arms, but my heart is filled with worries. I fear for their safety, and I don’t know how we will manage. My husband works to the point of exhaustion, but the C-section is beyond his reach. Please help me bring my babies into this world safely.” 

Mehtab’s only hope is your generosity. Your support can ensure she gets the life-saving C-section. Let’s stand together to help Mehtab deliver her twins safely and bring joy to her family.

Come forward and donate now!

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

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