Help Imran to Regain Mobility

Help Imran to Regain Mobility

Zakat Eligible Imran
100% Complete (success)
$ 276.65 Required
$ 276.65 Raised
0 Remaining

Imran Tassaduq Hussain's Story

Imran, a 51-year-old resident of Lahore, has faced immense challenges over the past couple of years. As a diabetic patient classified as high-risk, he experienced severe complications that led to the amputation of his left leg. Now, Imran is in dire need of a left below-knee prosthesis to regain his mobility and independence. However, his financial situation has placed a significant burden on him and his family.

Imran is currently unemployed due to his debilitating condition, which prevents him from engaging in any form of work. This has added to the already difficult circumstances he faces. He resides in his own house with his wife, five children, and a brother. His brother is the sole breadwinner of the family, earning approximately 40,000 PKR per month.

The family’s financial resources are stretched thin, with educational expenses for Imran’s children amounting to approximately 8,000 PKR. Additionally, utility bills of PKR 1500 take up a significant portion of their income, leaving them with very limited funds. Given these circumstances, Imran cannot afford the cost of an artificial leg, which is essential for him to regain his mobility and improve his quality of life.

He said in despair:

“I have faced immense hardships and lost my leg due to diabetes. Please help me walk again by donating an artificial leg.”

We have taken up Imran’s case at Transparent Hands, and we are determined to help him overcome the challenges he faces. We appeal to your generosity and compassion to donate for Imran’s left below-knee prosthesis. Your contribution will not only enable him to walk again but also alleviate his physical suffering and restore his sense of dignity and independence. Your donation will bring about a life-changing transformation, enabling Imran to navigate his daily life with greater ease and participate more fully in his family’s activities. Please join us in making a difference in Imran’s life.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Sujit jagdev

Donated: $ 138.15

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 91.49

 Hope Rehabilitation Center

Donated: $ 47.02

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