Help Fiza Hear a World of Possibilities

Help Fiza Hear a World of Possibilities

Zakat Eligible Fiza
100% Complete (success)
$ 10,637.42 Required
$ 10,637.42 Raised
0 Remaining

Fiza Bibi's Story

Fiza, a charming and adorable two-year-old girl residing in Khairpur, is facing the challenge of hearing loss. Her delightful laughter brings joy to those around her, but her parents discovered her condition when she turned one. Concerned about their beloved daughter’s future, they wasted no time and sought medical assistance at the nearest hospital.

After undergoing diagnostic tests, the doctor confirmed their fears: Fiza had profound hearing loss. Understanding the urgency of her situation, the doctor recommended Fiza undergo a cochlear implant, a revolutionary solution that could restore her ability to hear and lead a normal life.

She lives in a small house in Khairpur with her grandparents, parents, and one sibling. Her father, the sole breadwinner, earns a meager monthly income of only PKR 15,000. He works as a daily wager and struggles to make ends meet.  Fiza’s father shoulders the financial responsibilities.  He finds it challenging to cover their basic expenses, including a loan payment of PKR 50,000, utility bills of PKR 2,000, and daily expenses for groceries. The burden of Fiza’s surgical expenses seems impossible.

Fiza’s father expressed his desperation, saying:

“As a father, I am filled with hope and desperation as I seek help for my precious Fiza. Her inability to hear breaks my heart, and I humbly appeal to your kindness to grant her the gift of hearing.”

In their quest for assistance, Fiza’s parents have turned to Transparent Hands, hoping for a lifeline for their daughter’s hearing. We are now steadfast in our determination to raise the necessary funds to fulfill Fiza’s dreams. We earnestly implore compassionate individuals to contribute, as every donation holds the power to transform Fiza’s world. Together, let us provide her with the opportunity to experience the beauty of sound, to laugh, to speak, and to thrive.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 8,462.93


Donated: $ 777

 Anbrein Sofia Bashir

Donated: $ 500

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 250

 Muhammad Adeel Yaqoob

Donated: $ 135.93

 Samar minallah khan

Donated: $ 90.22


Donated: $ 72.38

 Salman Jawaid

Donated: $ 65.17

 Irum s

Donated: $ 63.05

 HEYAM ali

Donated: $ 50

 Hassan E Gafri

Donated: $ 50

 Zaheer Ahmad

Donated: $ 36.08

 Ejaz Naqvi

Donated: $ 33.89


Donated: $ 30


Donated: $ 9.59


Donated: $ 7

 Saad Afzal

Donated: $ 3.25

 Rana Ali

Donated: $ 0.36

 Qirsa Rasheed

Donated: $ 0.36


Donated: $ 0.22

Fiza Bibi's Story

A two-year-old girl named Fiza from Khairpur, Sindh, faces the challenge of hearing loss. Her infectious laughter brings joy to all those around her, but her parents discovered her condition when she reached her first birthday. Worried about their beloved daughter's future, they wasted no time and sought medical assistance at the nearest hospital. After undergoing diagnostic tests, their fears were confirmed: Fiza had profound hearing loss. Recognizing the urgency of her situation, the doctor recommended a life-changing solution—a cochlear implant.

However, the burden of Fiza's surgical expenses seemed insurmountable for her family. In their quest for assistance, Fiza's parents turned to Transparent Hands, hoping for a lifeline to restore their daughter's precious sense of hearing.

With immense gratitude for the kindness and generosity of many, Fiza's transformative journey toward a world of sound commenced. She was admitted to GIMS Hospital in Gambat, where the skilled surgeon, Dr. Maqbool, performed the intricate procedure to install the internal component of the cochlear implant on March 23, 2024. After just two days, Fiza joyfully left the hospital, her heart brimming with newfound hope and anticipation.

For the next six weeks, Transparent Hands continued to walk alongside Fiza and her family. The external implant was successfully installed, accompanied by meticulously scheduled speech therapy sessions that promised to unlock the wonders of sound once more.

Fiza's parents rejoiced as they witnessed their little girl's remarkable transformation. Her eyes sparkled with joy as she embraced the melodies of life—the laughter of her adoring family, the melodious chirping of birds, and the rhythmic symphony of music. It was as if a completely new world had opened up before her, painting her days with vibrant hues of happiness and connection. This inspiring success story is proof of the incredible power of collective compassion and the unwavering dedication of Transparent Hands to change lives for the better.

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