Help Farzana Undergo Tonsillectomy

Help Farzana Undergo Tonsillectomy

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100% Complete (success)
$ 254.62 Required
$ 254.62 Raised
0 Remaining

Farzana Bibi's Story

Farzana, a 29-year-old resident of Karachi, has been enduring the pain and discomfort of a recurring sore throat and fever for the past four years. This chronic condition has significantly impacted her quality of life, making even the simplest tasks a challenge.

Recently, Farzana visited a local hospital, where the attending doctor examined her and recommended a tonsillectomy, a surgical procedure to remove her tonsils. This intervention is expected to alleviate her persistent symptoms and restore her overall health.

Farzana lives in a rented house in Karachi with her three children and a husband. Farzana’s family situation, however, presents a significant obstacle to accessing the necessary medical care. As a housewife, her sole source of income is her husband, who works as a daily wager. Their monthly earnings of 15,000 rupees are barely sufficient to cover their basic expenses, including a monthly rent of 4,000 rupees, utility bills amounting to 3,000 rupees, and school fees of 1,000 rupees for their three children.

In this dire situation, Farzana and her family are unable to afford the cost of the recommended tonsillectomy. The financial burden weighs heavily on them, leaving Farzana in discomfort and pain.

Farzana said it in a depressed tone:

“My husband’s income is not enough to cover the cost of the tonsillectomy surgery I urgently need. I humbly appeal to your generosity to help me regain my health to take care of my family in a better way.”

In this hour of need, Farzana’s husband reached out to Transparent Hands, and we registered her case. With your generous support, we can help Farzana and her family overcome this challenge. Your donation will enable Farzana to undergo the necessary surgery, alleviate her suffering, and restore her to good health, allowing her to regain her quality of life and provide for her family with renewed vigor.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Shaymaa Elmiligi

Donated: $ 181.23

 Sam B

Donated: $ 73.40

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