Help Abida See Clearly

Help Abida See Clearly

Zakat Eligible Abida muhammad bibi pre image
100% Complete (success)
$ 102.05 Required
$ 102.05 Raised
0 Remaining

Abida Muhammad's Story

Abida, a 71-year-old widow from Lahore, is facing immense difficulty due to a cataract in her left eye, leading to impaired vision. The doctor has advised her to undergo a Left Phaco and Intraocular Lens (IOL) surgery to restore her sight.

She is a widow and her husband died a few years ago, leaving her in an unstable financial condition. She has four children but lives with her daughter and relies on her son-in-law for financial support. In a small two-room house, Abida’s daughter struggles to support her mother while managing her children and their expenses.

Abida’s son-in-law faces the daunting task of managing their daily expenses, including house rent, utility bills, and school fees. The financial strain makes it impossible for him to afford the cost of the surgery alone.

With teary eyes, Abida’s humble request echoes: “I rely on your kindness and generosity to brighten my world and create a brighter future for my family. Your support can empower me to overcome this obstacle and embrace a life filled with clear vision.”

Abida’s daily struggle with blurry vision leaves her yearning to see clearly and fully experience her surroundings. The impact of improved sight would extend beyond her own life, positively affecting her daughter and family.

She reached out to Transparent Hands with hope, seeking assistance in these challenging circumstances and funding her essential eye surgery. Your generous contributions, regardless of the amount, can have a profound impact on her life. By joining hands and offering your support, you can help Abida overcome her vision challenges and regain clarity.

We appeal to your compassionate hearts to join our campaign and make a difference in Abida’s life. Your support can provide her with the opportunity to undergo the necessary surgery, restoring her vision and bringing renewed hope. Together, we can transform Abida’s world, enabling her to see clearly.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Sam B

Donated: $ 58.71

 Life Care Foundation, Lahore

Donated: $ 43.34

Abida Muhammad's Story

Abida, a 71-year-old woman from Lahore, was suffering from short-sightedness and blurry vision. Upon consultation with a doctor, she was diagnosed with a cataract in her left eye. To restore her vision, the doctor recommended Phaco+IOL surgery. However, affording the cost of the surgery was beyond her family’s financial abilities as they were already facing financial hardships. They have a meager monthly income and they live in a modest home. Abida’s life was badly affected by her visual impairment. She used to bump into things while walking and carrying out routine tasks became significantly challenging. She desperately needed the surgery but was unable to pay for it. If left untreated, the cataract could have become worse and increased the risk of glaucoma and even blindness. During this time of need, she contacted Transparent Hands and asked us for help. After listening to her concerns, we promptly registered the case. On 29th July 2024, at Life Hospital Lahore, she underwent Phaco+IOL surgery by Dr. Shaheer. After the surgery, she expressed her joy as follows: “I can see my loved ones' faces again. Thank you for this blessing!” The patient’s family is incredibly grateful to you for supporting them and making her surgery possible through Transparent Hands. Your support has brought light back into her life. Not only did you restore her vision but also allowed him to spend her life with independence and dignity. They will never forget your generosity.

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