Give Hammad the Gift of Hearing

Give Hammad the Gift of Hearing

Zakat Eligible Hammad ali pre image
90.407540293035% Complete (success)
$ 10,701.25 Required
$ 9,676.17 Raised
$ 1,025.08 Remaining

Hammad Ali's Story

Hammad Ali, a lively and sweet 2-year-old boy from Naushero Feroz, finds himself trapped in a silent world since birth. He was diagnosed with congenital hearing loss, but his parents did not lose hope and were still determined to find a solution to connect him with the world in a normal way.

Now, Hammad’s doctor has advised a life-changing treatment called a cochlear implant, which holds the key to unlocking Hammad’s potential and giving him the gift of hearing. This innovative procedure would open up a world of limitless possibilities, allowing Hammad to fully connect with the world around him.

Hammad lives in a mud house with his parents in the village of Naushero Feroz. He is the first child of his parents. His father is a hard-working farmer and the only breadwinner in the family.  His father’s monthly income is just PKR 15,000, which is not enough to cover the daily expenses, utility bills, and grocery. Due to limited financial resources, his father cannot afford to pay for the costly cochlear implant surgery that Hammad desperately requires.

Hammad’s father expressed his sadness and helplessness in the following words:

“Seeing my son struggle to connect with the world, unable to hear laughter and joy, weighs heavily on my heart.” I want to assist him, but our limited finances cannot afford the expense of the operation he requires. I request all the kind-hearted donors to come forward and donate towards Hammad’s surgery funds.”

With a cry for help, Hammad’s family contacted Transparent Hands, a light of hope in their darkest hour. It is a wonderful opportunity to give Hammad the gift of hearing and unleashing a future full of limitless opportunities. Donate today to guarantee that Hammad’s world is no longer veiled in silence, but instead lighted by the wonderful symphony of sounds.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 8,462.93

 Ahmed Sheraz

Donated: $ 1,213.24

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