Give for Maliha Sajjad’s Hearing Aid

Give for Maliha Sajjad’s Hearing Aid

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$ 723.20 Required
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Maliha Sajjad's Story

Maliha Sajjad, a 14-year-old resident of Lahore, has faced a profound challenge since birth – the inability to hear and respond to voices. This hearing impairment has significantly impacted Maliha’s life, as she has struggled to communicate and engage with the world around her.

Maliha’s parents, deeply concerned for their daughter’s wellbeing, took her to the nearest hospital, where doctors conducted a series of diagnostic tests. The findings confirmed that Maliha was suffering from a hearing impairment, and the medical professionals advised the family to pursue a computerized hearing aid to help restore her ability to hear.

Maliha lives in her own house with her parents and three siblings. Her father, who works as a driver, is the sole breadwinner of the family, earning a monthly income of PKR 40,000. However, despite this modest income, the family’s financial resources are limited, and they have no other source of income to supplement their needs.

The cost of the recommended computerized hearing aid poses a significant obstacle for Maliha’s family. With utility bills amounting to PKR 1,500 each month and the need to provide for their four children, Maliha’s father simply cannot afford the expenses associated with the necessary medical intervention.


In their moment of need, Maliha’s family turned to Transparent Hands,

Maliha, said it with hopeful eyesL

“The hearing aid I desperately need is beyond my family’s financial means. Your generosity can make all the difference, granting me the ability to hear and connect with my loved ones.”

By contributing to provision of Maliha’s hearing aid, we have the power to alleviate the financial stress on her family and ensure that she receives the life-changing treatment she requires. This collective effort will not only support Maliha’s fundamental right to accessible healthcare but also affirm our shared commitment to empowering youth and providing them with the opportunities they deserve to thrive.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

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