Give for Batool Rasti’s VSD Closure

Give for Batool Rasti’s VSD Closure

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100% Complete (success)
$ 3,210.79 Required
$ 3,210.79 Raised
0 Remaining

Batool Rasti's Story

Batool Rasti, a 9-year-old resident of Gujranwala, is suffering from shortness of breath and chest pain. She was also unable to gain weight. Her parents came to know about her condition when she was 1 year old. After some diagnostic tests, the doctor diagnosed her with a ventricular septal defect (VSD), left ventricular volume overload (LVVO), and advised her to undergo open-heart surgery for VSD closure.

Batool lives in a joint family house with her uncle, her parents, and three siblings in Gujranwala. Her father is a camera operator, and his monthly income is PKR 60,000. He is the only earning person in the family, and there is no other source of income. Therefore, he cannot afford the surgical expenses for Batool’s treatment.

Her father has to pay for food, utility bills of PKR 3,000, school fees of PKR 5,000, and a loan of PKR 1,500,000. The cost of the surgery is beyond his means, and he is seeking support from you to help save his daughter’s life.

Her father said in despair, “It breaks my heart to see my little girl suffer. I am humbly asking you to support my daughter’s surgery.”

Batool’s VSD has caused significant strain on her heart, and without immediate intervention, her condition will continue to deteriorate. The surgery is crucial to allow her heart to function normally and prevent further complications.

Batool’s parents contacted Transparent Hands to register her case. We are determined to provide her with the best treatment. However, we need your support to do so. Be a source of hope for this helpless and desperate family. Your donation can prolong Batool’s life significantly. We ask you to donate to Batool’s VSD Closure Surgery to give her a second chance at life. Only your support can save her heart, so we request that you contribute generously.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


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 Sujit jagdev

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 Sarad Yousaf

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 Ibrahim Trust

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