Fozia Imran Seeks Help for C-Section

Fozia Imran Seeks Help for C-Section

Zakat Eligible Fozia pre image
7.8369817137093% Complete (success)
$ 638.62 Required
$ 50 Raised
$ 588.62 Remaining

Fozia Imran's Story

Fozia Imran, a 28-year-old resident of Okara, is pregnant with her fifth child. Her previous four deliveries were all via C-section, and her doctor has advised her to undergo another C-section to avoid potential complications during this pregnancy. Fozia’s medical history and the high-risk nature of her current pregnancy have made this surgical intervention crucial for her and her unborn child’s well-being.

Fozia’s husband is a laborer, earning approximately PKR 30,000 per month. However, with the family’s living expenses, including a rental payment of PKR 6,000, utility bills of PKR 3,000, and school fees of PKR 2,000 for their children, their financial situation is precarious. They are barely making ends meet, leaving them without the resources to afford the cost of Fozia’s critical C-section surgery.

“I’m worried for the health of my baby and myself,” Fozia shared. “The doctor has made it clear that a C-section is necessary, but my husband and I simply don’t have the means to cover the expenses. We’ve been struggling to make our monthly payments, and the thought of adding medical bills on top of that is overwhelming.”

Recognizing the urgency of Fozia’s situation, the family has turned to Transparent Hands, and we provide financial assistance to those in need. “Transparent Hands has given us hope in this difficult time,” Fozia said. “They have registered my case, and I’m hopeful that with their support, I will be able to undergo the C-section and welcome my baby into the world safely.”

Your donation to this campaign can make a tangible difference in Fozia’s life, ensuring that she receives the life-saving surgery she requires and can focus on her recovery and caring for her family without the added burden of financial worries. Your support can give Fozia the strength to face this situation with hope and determination.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 HEYAM ali

Donated: $ 50

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