Farasat Ali Awaits Excision of Lipoma on Left Eyebrow

Farasat Ali Awaits Excision of Lipoma on Left Eyebrow

85.00% Complete (success)
$ 848.31 Required
$ 721.37 Raised
$ 126.94 Remaining

Farasat Ali's Story

Meet Farasat Ali, a 26-year-old man from Jhang, who has been facing issues due to a fatty lump on his left eyebrow for the last ten years. This lump causes him discomfort and makes him self-conscious, which affects his confidence. Concerned about his condition, he consulted a doctor at a local hospital. After performing a comprehensive examination, the doctor diagnosed him with lipoma on his left eyebrow. A lipoma is a benign fatty tumor located just beneath the skin. His surgery to remove the lump was performed in 2017. However, Farasat faced the same issue again and his doctor advised the excision of lipoma under general anesthesia. Unfortunately, Farasat is unable to pay for his surgery.

If Farasat does not undergo excision, the lipoma may continue to grow over time. It may impede his vision. 

Farasat lives in a modest house with his wife. He is the sole breadwinner in the family, works as a security guard, and makes just PKR 25,000 per month. With this insufficient monthly income, it is challenging for him to manage utility bills amounting to PKR 3000, and food and medical expenses. Farasat is working hard to make ends meet, but the significant cost of the surgery is out of his financial capacity. During this challenging time, Farasat turned to Transparent Hands and asked for assistance.

Farasat said in despair:

“I’ve been living with this lipoma for years. It causes me discomfort and affects my confidence every day. I’m seeking your help for the much-needed surgery. Any support you can provide would mean the world to me and help me regain my confidence and peace of mind.”

Due to his condition, Farasat feels self-conscious about his appearance, which impacts his confidence in social situations and at work. We have registered his case but need your support to help him undergo the surgery. Every contribution, no matter how big or small, can make a valuable difference in his life.

Let’s ensure Farasat’s recovery from lipoma. Donate now!

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 721.37

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