Enable Javaria Nadeem to Hear the Sounds Around Her

Enable Javaria Nadeem to Hear the Sounds Around Her

Zakat Eligible Partial Contribution by Patient Javaria
0% Complete (success)
$ 9,672.72 Required
0 Raised
$ 9,672.72 Remaining

Javaria Nadeem's Story

Javaria Nadeem, a 7-year-old girl from Faisalabad, has been living in a world of silence since birth. Javaria has never heard her loved ones’ voices. At her age, when children learn to communicate and explore various sounds, Javaria is unable to hear. Her parents noticed her unresponsiveness to sounds when Javaria was a toddler. They took her to a nearby hospital and consulted a doctor. After performing a thorough examination and evaluation, the doctor diagnosed her with congenital sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). To enable her to hear and speak, her doctor advised cochlear implant surgery. Unfortunately, the cost of the surgery is beyond her family’s financial reach.

This surgery is her parents’ only hope and they are desperate to see her overcome this condition. The sooner she receives the cochlear implant, the better her chances of speech and language development which are important at her age. If she doesn’t undergo the surgery on time, she might not be able to develop the ability to hear and speak.

Javaria lives in a modest house with her parents and three siblings, who are young and studying. Her father, the sole breadwinner in the family, is a factory employee and brings in just PKR 35000 per month. This income is even insufficient to cover their utility bills of PKR 9000 and educational expenses of PKR 10,000. They have no savings at all and they simply can’t afford the expensive surgery. During this time of need, her family contacted Transparent Hands and asked us for help.

Javaria’s parents said in despair:

“Every day, we watch our daughter’s struggle to play with other children. But she doesn’t understand their words, and they don’t understand her silence. We don’t have enough money to pay for her surgery and give her the ability to hear and speak. Kindly help us.”

Without the ability to hear, Javaria may face a future of isolation and limited opportunities. But we can change this. With your generous support, she can receive the cochlear implant surgery that will allow her to play, grow, and thrive like other kids.

Donate now to make a real difference in Javaria’s life.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

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