Ease Saeeda Bibi’s Pain With Hernioplasty

Ease Saeeda Bibi’s Pain With Hernioplasty

Zakat Eligible Saeeda pre image
3.5416784722616% Complete (success)
$ 509.87 Required
$ 18.05 Raised
$ 491.82 Remaining

Saeeda BiBi's Story

Saeeda Bibi, a 54-year-old woman from Lahore, has been suffering from abdominal pain and umbilicus swelling for a few years. On examination, doctors found a lump in the umbilical region. Despite receiving symptomatic treatment, her lump grew in size and became severely painful. She consulted another doctor and underwent some diagnostic tests and an ultrasound scan. After a comprehensive evaluation, she was diagnosed with Paraumbilical Hernia. Her doctor recommended mesh Hernioplasty with a lipectomy.

Due to the extreme and persistent pain caused by her umbilical lump, Saeeda faces many challenges while performing daily chores. Saeeda Bibi works as a housemaid and his husband and son are daily wage earners. The combined family’s monthly income is PKR 25,000. With this meager monthly income, they pay utility bills amounting to PKR 5000 as well as PKR 7000 for rent. They live in a small one-room rented house.

A family member told her about Transparent Hands, and she requested financial assistance to undergo the required surgery.

She expressed her heartfelt plea as follows:

“I feel helpless as I have been bearing this pain for a long time. I don’t want to be a burden on my family. Every day, I dream of a better life, but we are facing financial hardships. I request you to help me overcome this pain.”

Transparent Hands aims to ease Saeeda Bibi’s persistent pain with surgery. However, this milestone cannot be achieved without the support of our donors. Kindly donate to help her undergo the procedure and enable her to face the challenges of life. Together, we can not only change her life but also fill her home with happiness.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 18.05

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