Ease Kousar’s Abdominal Pain

Ease Kousar’s Abdominal Pain

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$ 1,188.01 Required
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$ 1,188.01 Remaining

Kousar Parveen's Story

Kousar Parveen, a 40-year-old woman from Lahore, has been battling constant pain in her upper right abdominal region for over a year. What started as mild discomfort soon turned into an unbearable condition, especially after meals. Along with severe nausea and vomiting, the pain has made even the simplest daily tasks difficult for her. Worried about her worsening condition, she consulted a doctor. After a detailed evaluation, the doctor diagnosed her with cholelithiasis—gallstones causing inflammation and pain. To relieve her suffering and prevent further complications, the doctor has advised a cholecystectomy, a surgery to remove her gallbladder. However, the cost of the procedure is beyond her reach.

If left untreated, Kousar’s condition will only worsen. The pain will become more frequent and severe, making it even harder for her to work. She may face complications like gallbladder infection or blockage.

Kousar is the sole provider for her children, working at a factory to make ends meet. As a divorced mother, she carries the weight of responsibility alone, ensuring her four children have food, education, and a place to live. She earns PKR 28,000 per month, out of which PKR 8000 is spent on house rent, PKR 2000 on utility bills, and PKR 3000 on her children’s education. With these expenses, affording surgery is simply impossible for her. Despite her struggles, she remains strong for her children, but the constant pain is wearing her down. During this time of need, Kousar reached out to Transparent Hands and asked for assistance.

Kousar Parveen said with teary eyes:

“I try to stay strong for my children, but this pain is making it harder every day. I can’t afford the surgery, and I can’t afford to be weak either. All I want is to be healthy again so I can have a pain-free life and keep providing for my children. Please help me.”

Kousar’s health and future depend on this surgery. With timely intervention, she can regain her strength and have a healthy life. Your support can help her get the much-needed treatment. 

Let’s stand by Kousar during her time of need, ensuring she can live a pain-free life and continue caring for her children.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

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