Donate to Sumbal Bibi for Her Total Hip Replacement

Donate to Sumbal Bibi for Her Total Hip Replacement

Sumbal Bibi Peshawar
100% Complete (success)
$ 3,232.69 Required
$ 3,232.69 Raised
0 Remaining

Sumbal Bibi's Story

24-year-old Sumbal Bibi started suffering from osteoarthritis for the last 2 years. Because of this condition, the pain in her left hip gradually increased, stiffening her lower back and hip muscles. Her brother checked her into a local hospital in Mardan but the treatment administered to her isn’t effective any longer. Sumbal’s pain has persisted for two years and she now experiences mobility issues. For complete improvement, she requires orthopedic surgery- a total hip replacement.

“She keeps silent about her problems. We can tell that walking is painful for her by the way she moves but she tries not to complain. Our father is already sick so she doesn’t want to add to our burdens. We desperately want to help but the hospitals we approached proposed costs upward of 300,000 PKR, which we cannot possibly save on our limited incomes.” Sumbal’s brother

Sumbal has 8 siblings, one of whom is married and lives separately. Her father cannot work because of a heart condition so her two elder brothers are financially responsible for the whole family. One of her elder brothers earns 8000 PKR a month as a daily wager. Her other brother works abroad in Malaysia and sends home 12,000 PKR every month. A total income of 20,000 PKR supports the basic sustenance of 10 people as well as added expenditures such as heart medication for Sumbal’s father. Owing to their dire financial circumstances, Sumbal’s family has not been able to arrange for her surgery. With hope, they approached Transparent Hands for help.

Sumbal’s operation can be successfully conducted with your financial assistance.

Please donate to her.

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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

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Sumbal Bibi's Story

Sumbal Bibi, 24 years old, was suffering from osteoarthritis (OA) of her left hip due to Perthes disease. She was unable to bear weight on it. She was advised total hip replacement (THR). Her surgery was done in Northwest General Hospital, on 11-05-20, by Dr. Khushnood Ali. Her left total hip arthroplasty (THA) was done. She had an uneventful post-op recovery and remained alright. She was discharged with follow up physiotherapy sessions.


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