Donate to Samra Bibi for Her Pyelolithotomy Surgery
Samra Bibi's Story
Samra Bibi, 11 years old, started experiencing pain during urination around 7 months ago. This was accompanied by severe pain in her groin on the right side as well as nausea. When her parents took her to their local hospital, the doctor there diagnosed her with kidney stones. Samra Bibi requires a right pyelolithotomy- a surgical procedure in which stones are removed from the kidney. If left untreated, the stones could damage the kidney beyond repair.
“She is so little, her life is just starting out. The doctor in our area told us that she should get the stones removed from her kidneys as soon as possible. He told us he has seen several cases in which the patient did not get them removed and lost a whole kidney. I do not want my daughter to develop any sort of lifelong dependency. In whatever way I can, I want to get her surgery conducted as soon as possible.”- Samra Bibi’s father, Muhammad Rafiq
Samra Bibi is the seventh in a line of 9 siblings. Her father, a daily wager, earns 10,000 PKR a month. With 9 school-going children and a wife to support, this amount barely lasts a few weeks of the month. Their only resource is a very small house that they all live in but selling that is not an option because it would leave them homeless. Samra’s father cannot afford his daughter’s surgery by any means and has asked Transparent Hands for help.
Your donations can help Samra get the necessary surgery before it is too late.
Please donate generously!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
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Donated: $ 646.06
Samra Bibi's Story
Samra, 11 years old, was troubled by left renal stones for the last several years. She was advised pyelolithotomy surgery. Her surgery was sceduled in Lahore Care Hospital, on 27-02-20, by Dr Faisal Masood. Her left pyelolithotomy was done and a 3.5 cm stone was removed. She stayed in the hospital for 4 days and had good post-operative recovery. She was discharged in complete health.