Donate to Saima Zahoor for Her C-Section
Saima Zahoor's Story
Saima Zahoor Ahmad, 33 years old, is currently pregnant with her 5th child and is scheduled to deliver soon. Her first pregnancy, a twin pregnancy, ended with a C-section delivery. Following that, she delivered two more times, both times via C-section surgeries. Due to this history, her gynecologist has recommended a C-section as the best course of delivery this time as well.
In all previous instances, Saima was able to comfortably pay for her surgeries because her husband held a well-paying job in Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately, he was deported from there two years ago and had to come back to Pakistan, where the only job he could find was at a cattle farm. This job has no steady income and is purely commission-based. The recent turn of events due to the coronavirus outbreak had brought commercial activity at the farm to a halt, thereby reducing Saima’s husband’s earnings by a great deal. This family has been and still is going through an extreme financial crunch and does not have the resources to even pay for a simple delivery operation. This is why they have asked Transparent Hands for assistance.
“The change in our financial situation has been extremely tough. We have never had to ask anyone for monetary help before and it feels really strange and helpless to do so. But we have no choice. We cannot risk the life of our child who is on his or her way, or the life of my wife.” – Saima’s husband
To make sure Saima’s operation is scheduled well in advance of her due date, we are collecting donations now. If you feel she deserves your help, please don’t hesitate to contribute.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 227.99
Bilal Khawar
Donated: $ 100
Romaisa Malik
Donated: $ 0.31
Saima Zahoor's Story
Saima Zahoor, 26 years old, was about to have her 4th childbirth. She had surgeries done for previous childbirths. This time she was advised elective surgery again. Her C-section was done on 14-07-20 in Abid Hospital, by Dr Saddaf Aqeel. She was happy to give birth to a baby girl. She stayed for 2 days in the hospital and was discharged along with her healthy baby.